
We generally celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month and on other holy days.

Bethany is blessed to have a dynamic music ministry led by our gifted Minister of Music, Bernie Franc. A multi-talented and recorded musician and vocalist, who for years led music for contemporary youth masses for Catholic dioceses. He brings a deep sense of spirituality and thoughtfulness to this ministry. Our music ranges from traditional hymns to contemporary arrangements, led and are powered by our multigenerational choir as well featured as featured soloists.

Here’s What to Expect

When you worship with us on any Sunday, expect a blend of the traditional and the progressive: the great, historical hymns of our faith tradition blended with contemporary music; a traditional order of service, structured but relaxed; thoughtful, carefully prepared sermons; and a warm welcome.

Children are welcome at the 9:00 a.m. service.

Questions? Give the church office a call at 508.543.5678, or email us with your questions here.

How do I get there?

You can find our location on the map below.

Where should I park?

Enter our parking lot off Market Street, or park along the curb on Rockhill Road.

What should I wear?

A smile and your best self, no matter what your wearing! Join us!


Enjoy a trip down memory lane:
